Prayer Items

Jesus announced His Mission: " preach good news to the poor... to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Jesus knew God made man not just body, nor just soul, but both. His ministry touched both.

Bible translation and literacy do the same. God's Word in the mother tongue brings dignity and self- respect to the despised and oppressed. It frees those in the fear- infested prison of the spirits. Literacy opens the eyes of the blind. Together, Scripture and the ability to read and write empower people to develop their potential and take charge of their circumstances. A whole new possibility opens.

Prayer Points:

  1. Please pray that the Obo Manobos will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.
  2. Please pray that the local churches will be encourage to continue to share the gospel to those who haven't heard about Jesus.
  3. Please pray for God's provision for the re-printing of the New Testament for those who don't have God's Word in their homes and churches.
  4. Please pray for God's approval and timing for the Old Testament translation.
  5. Please pray for Gods financial provision for the literacy project so many can read His Word and grow spiritually.

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